Visit the Official Website of Figmund creator, J. M. DeSantis:


Also from J. M. DeSantis:

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Figmund E-Cards

Click below for a small selection of Figmund e-cards from creator, J. M. DeSantis.

Figmund E-Card Banner
Figmund E-Cards on J. M. DeSantis's Page

About Figmunds

Figmund MaleFigmunds are an in-progress creation from writer and illustrator, J. M. DeSantis. This site was launched in 2010--arguably prematurely--as J. M. began working on his Figmunds in earnest. Unfortunately, at that time, J. M. DeSantis was also a partner and contributor to the (now closed) humorous video game site, His work on Game-Flush left little time for other creative endeavors including these small yet not-so-easily forgotten creatures.

J. M. DeSantis regrets that he was not able to give Figmunds his full attention when the site was first launched, but with his concentration turned to his fantasy heroine, Chadhiyana, a return to Figmunds may be, regrettably, slow coming. That said, the very fact that this site still exists is testament to J. M.’s intentions to renew work on the Figmunds again. Thus, this site will be kept running as a show of good faith to that end.

Female FigmundIn the meanwhile, J. M. DeSantis has made the Figmunds the subject of a few e-cards available through You can also view J. M. DeSantis’s other work through his official website:

Most of all, please be patient. There’s no one more anxious to see Figmunds finally come into their own than their creator.